How to Pick the Best Trucks and Trailers for Your Fleet
How to Pick the Best Trucks and Trailers for Your Fleet

How to Pick the Best Trucks and Trailers for Your Fleet

There are many things to consider when you find yourself in the market for a new commercial truck, trailer, or both. When you start selecting individual trailers, vehicles, or an entire fleet of trucks for commercial use, it’s essential to make sure that each commercial truck brings impactful and ultimately worthwhile value to the given business you’re involved in. So, it’s natural to wonder at the best possible method for getting the most benefit and positive results for your budget funds. There are numerous tips and tricks for making the most of your next truck or trailer purchase. 

Some of the top tips from Handshake Fleet to more effectively guide your truck or trailer buying decision process include determining the purpose of each truck, deciding whether to buy a new or used truck or trailer, obtaining info on each fleet truck or trailer you’re considering, determining the lifecycle of each truck or trailer, and determining what particular size of truck you need. Additionally, you should always have a specific budget amount in mind when shopping for your next truck or trailer. However, it’s important to remember that cheaper is likely not the best to protect and support your specific commercial trucking needs and aspirations. In this article, we’ll discuss how to pick the best trucks and trailers for your fleet, including any used semi trucks for sale or 18 wheeler trucks, and how to make the most of any heavy equipment rental or purchase.

Picking the Best Trucks and Trailers

As mentioned previously, some of the top tips and tricks to pick the best trucks and trailers for your fleet include determining the purpose of each truck or trailer, obtaining the pertinent info on each fleet vehicle or trailer you’re considering, deciding whether to purchase a new or used truck or trailer, considering each truck or trailer’s lifecycle, and determining the size you need.

Determine the Purpose of Each Truck or Trailer

When you’re in the market for a new commercial truck or trailer, one of the first important things to do is determine the particular purpose of each new truck or trailer. For example, are you in the market for uniformity in appearance and functionality, or will a given truck or trailer haul individual cargo types? Will any of your trucks or trailers travel across the country while others only travel across town? By clearly and firmly defining the specific purpose of each truck or trailer, you can ensure that you obtain and possess only the fleet assets that you need and avoid unnecessary expenses and obligations.

Obtain the Pertinent Info on Each Truck or Trailer

You must take the time to ask for and receive a thoroughly detailed history of each trailer or truck, including the history of any service records and accidents. It’s also essential that you obtain all of the pertinent information on each truck or trailer you’re considering adding to your valuable commercial fleet. Especially if you’re looking into any used trailers or used semi trucks for sale, you must obtain information such as why the given seller is selling a commercial trailer or truck. 

Decide on Buying Either New or Used

Suppose you’re looking at a new trailer or truck. In that case, you should know that although a more upfront financial investment, new commercial trailers and trucks can more effectively provide you with the most up-to-date amenities and potentially a more attractive trailer or truck warranty. In contrast, although they may cost less upfront, used trailers and trucks can take back some of the money you save to cover their refurbishing needs and update their appearance to better match your business’s brand identity. 

Consider Each Truck or Trailer’s Lifecycle

You should also know and consider the lifecycle of each new commercial truck or trailer to ensure you receive the best possible value for your time, effort, and budget funds. How long do you typically keep individual trucks or trailers before replacing them? Do you rotate them or replace them all at once?

Determine the Size of Truck or Trailer You Need

How much space do you potentially need for the cargo you’re hauling? How many people will need to be in a given truck or trailer at a time? Should you prioritize trucks and trailers that can accommodate a team of drivers?

Choosing Used Semi Trucks for Sale

In obtaining the above pieces of pertinent information and making final decisions on each truck or trailer’s purpose, one of the most important decisions you will make is whether to a new or used truck or trailer. For example, when choosing a used semi truck, it’s vital to obtain the reason for sale, the vehicle’s repair and service history, and whether there are any outstanding issues or concerns. Each buying decision should involve due diligence, including thorough research, inventory viewing, planning, and budgeting. You can always rely on the highest quality used trucks and trailers when you shop the extensive inventory of Chicago’s Handshake Fleet. 

Choosing 18 Wheeler Trucks

Similar to instances when you’re in the market for used semi trucks for sale, you should also perform proper due diligence when you’re in the market for an 18 wheeler truck. You can enjoy a much greater level of success and satisfaction with your next vehicle or trailer purchase when you determine your goals for a given vehicle or trailer, decide on a budget and whether you need financing, thoroughly research your options, run a history check, assess the current condition, and make an informed offer.

Making the Most of Your Heavy Equipment Rental or Purchase

With these tips and tricks to pick the best trucks and trailers for your fleet, you can make the most of your next heavy equipment rental or purchase. Browse our selection today!

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