Do you have a commercial semi truck or trailer you need to sell as soon as possible? Have you researched locations for semi truck sales near me, but could not find a reliable seller? No need to worry, as Handshake Fleet is ready to help you sell your vehicles.
We understand that commercial truck sales by owners themselves is a complex process. As the sole seller, you must navigate all stages of the selling process alone – including the prep, selling, and buying stages. However, save yourself the stress of haggling prices and updating paperwork by working with a reliable commercial truck trader like Handshake Fleet. At Handshake Fleet, we simplify the logistics of the selling process for quick and easy sales. To help you better understand how to sell your truck or trailer, this article will review tips for each stage of the selling process and how to navigate these stages on your own or with a commercial truck trader company.
We often recommend selling your vehicle through a third-party, licensed dealer. Why do we recommend this? You may be subject to penalties if you attempt to sell your vehicle, but do not follow all conditional selling laws exactly. Therefore, before selling your vehicle, follow these steps:
If your listing receives a lot of traffic when others search for semi truck sales near me, then you might receive many immediate offers for your vehicle. However, many of these inquiries will likely fall through.
On that note, we recommend staying selective when choosing your potential buyer audience. Know the worth of your truck so that you do not compromise your rates. Additionally, be as transparent as you can when sharing the state of your vehicle – including the interiors, undercarriage, and engine compartments. This transparency will make the filtering process more manageable, so you and the buyer can have an honest conversation about the transaction.
When selling your truck or tailor, ensure all pertinent documents are ready. The odometer statement, bill of sale, and plate transfer are all necessary for a hassle-free selling experience.
Every vehicle owner must present odometer statements from miles traveled to their annual maintenance check (if your state mandates such reviews). In fact, the federal government requires that if your odometer reads over 99,999 miles, you must complete an “in excess of mechanical limit document” before resetting it.
The best way to ensure you safely sell your truck or trailer involves closing the sale with an official bill of sale record. While this document is not required, it does serve as a contract of purchase – listing the sale price, date of sale, and odometer readings.
As a legally binding contract, the bill of sale protects both you and the buyer. After completing this contract, you can then transfer the vehicle’s title from owner to buyer.
You can transfer your registration to the buyer with a valid license plate.
Dealers do not just buy from other dealers. One of the significant ways dealers replenish their stock involves purchasing and refurbishing used semi trucks and trailers. Many dealerships will actively look for a commercial truck sale by owners. Once they have located the sellers, dealerships will do one of two things: either purchase the vehicle directly from the owner or offer to direct the buying and selling experience as a third party. Regardless of the owner’s chosen option, both the owner and the dealership benefit from a sale.
However, when attempting to sell your vehicle to a dealer, we recommend you follow these guidelines:
Are you hoping to sell your trailer or truck quickly and for a fair price? Or are you searching to purchase the most popular semi truck on the market? Handshake Fleet aims to make buying and selling commercial vehicles a pleasant and hassle-free experience. As a licensed commercial truck trader, we have the knowledge and expertise to sell your vehicle quickly for the fairest price available. Contact us today for an estimate and overview of our selling strategies.