Trucking and golf go hand in hand. Despite the rain, the turnout at the Illinois Trucking Association’s 2023 Annual Golf Outing was a great success! We were not able to get a round in, but the team at the ITA adapted very quickly to create an indoor networking atmosphere at the Silver Lake Country Club. Everyone was able to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and good conversation in the new arrangement. Hole sponsors like Bright Sky were given tables that were arranged in a “trade show” fashion. They even had an indoor “bags” tournament area set up!
Jerry Frym of Bright Sky receives his prize for the Longest Drive, sponsored by Handshake Fleet at the Illinois Trucking Association (ITA) 2023 July golf outing from Nick Bionda.
Illinois Trucking Association Vendors
The event is sponsored by many vendors in the trucking industry including Handshake Fleet. Even though no one actually hit a ball today, we were there as a sponsor of the “Longest Drive” competition! Other vendors sponsored closest to the pin, most honest team, and other categories. All the sponsored golfing prizes were given out as random drawings. There were also 50/50 tickets and raffles including a brand new Taylor Made driver, and $700 cash! All the proceeds went to help fund operations of the Illinois Trucking Association. This is a group that truly supports the entire trucking industry in Illinois.